In this article we will define and discuss how to calculate science GPA. Your science GPA is comprised of grades in medical school prerequisite classes like biology, chemistry, physics, and math.
It is more important because it is a better indicator of how well a student will be able to handle the science classes at medical school.
A science GPA around 3.3-3.4 is Very Good, one between 3.5-3.7 is usually Excellent and one above 3.8 is generally Superior.
Formula to Calculate Science GPA.
To calculate your science GPA;
- Make a list of all science courses you took.
- Convert your grades into their numerical equivalent. A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7, C+ = 2.3, C = 2.0, C- = 1.7, D+ = 1.3, D = 1.0, D- = 0.7 and F = 0.
- Determine the number of credit hours for each of your science courses.
- Multiply each science course’s numerical grade equivalent by its respective number of credit hours.
- Add up all the results and then divide their sum by the total number of semester hours for all of your science courses.
Suppose in a semester a student took 3 science courses that is; Chemistry, Anatomy and Math. If in Chemistry she had an A- with 2 credit hours, in Anatomy B+ with 3 credit hours and in Math A with 4 credit hours, calculate the student’s science GPA.
Chemistry A- = 3.7 ; Anatomy B+ = 3.3 ; Math A = 4.0
Total semester hours are 9.

Therefore, the student’s GPA is 3.7.