In this article, we will learn how to calculate major GPA but first, lets define GPA. GPA stands for Grade Point Average.
A major GPA consists of only the grades for courses that fall under a student’s major discipline. Most commonly, students graduate “with praise” when they earn a 3.5-3.7 GPA, “with great praise” when they earn a 3.7-3.9 GPA, and “with highest praise” when they earn a 3.9 GPA or higher.
The major GPA is primarily used in determining eligibility for honors thesis work in your Major.
Formula to calculate major GPA.

Suppose you are took three exams, the first one you got a B+ and its worth is 1, the other one you got an A whose worth is 1.25 and the last one you got a B whose worth is 0.5. Calculate your major GPA.
B+ is 3.3 points
A is 4 points.
B is 3 points.
To get the total weighted points, we will multiply the points by the subjects worth and sum them together.
= ( 3.3 x 1 ) + ( 4 x 1.25 ) + ( 3 x 0.5 )
= 9.8
To get the total worth of your units, you will sum the worth of all units.
= 1 + 1.25 + 0.5
= 2.75

The major GPA should always be given in 2 decimal places, we get this by truncation and not rounding off.
Therefore, your major GPA is 3.56.