In this article, we will learn how to calculate cubic feet from cubic inches but before that lets define feet and inches. Feet(ft) and inches(In) are both units of length in the imperial units and U.S customary systems of measurements.It is called a foot, because it was originally based on the length of a foot.
Inch is derived from the old English ince, which in turn came from the Latin unit uncia, which was one-twelfth of a Roman foot.
Cubic feet( ft³ ) is a unit of volume. 0.0328084 feet equals one centimeter.
Cubic inch( in³ ) is also a unit of volume. 1 Inch is a equal to 2.54 centimeters.
Formula to Calculate Cubic Feet from Cubic Inches.
We begin by finding the volume in cubic inches. It could be the volume of a triangular prism, a cuboid, a cube, a cylinder or a cone.

To convert cubic inches to cubic feet, we multiply the cubic inch by 0.000578704.
Example 1:
The volume of a triangular prism was 60 cubic inches, what is the same volume in cubic feet.

Therefore, the volume is 0.03472224 ft³ .
Example 2:
Find the capacity of an ice cream cone if its perpendicular height is 9cm, its slant height is 12 cm and a radius of 5cm.
Volume = 1/3 x π x r2 x h
= 1/3 x 3.142 x 5 x 5 x 9
= 235.41 cm3.