To understand how to calculate square inches(in2), we need to understand that square inches are units of area that describes a total area equal to 1 inch in length and 1 inch in width.
To calculate area in square inches, its mandatory to have your dimensions (length, width or radius) in inches.
Formula to Calculate Square Inches.
Suppose you have a rectangular room and your asked to find its floor’s square inches.
First you will begin by measuring the length of the floor in inches and the width in inches also.
Then to find the square inches, you will use the formula to determine the area of rectangle to find the area of the floor in square inches.
Example 1:
Suppose you measured the length of a square floored floor in inches and found it to be 40 inches. Find the square inches of the kennel.

Therefore, the area of the kennel is 1,600 In².
Example 2:
Suppose you had a circular room whose radius is 6 feet, calculate the area of the room in in2.
Area of a Circle = π x radius x radius
= 3.142 x 6 x 6
= 113.112 ft2
We have to convert the ft2 to in2.
1 square foot is equivalent to 144 square inches
= 113.112 x 144
Hence the area of the room in in2 16,288.128.